Monday, March 28, 2011

the coming of FE's family.......

salam a'laik....

I'll have special guest next week. berkunjung untuk memetik bunga di taman . Eh, tidaklah sedemikian rupa. hahaha. bahagian itu kena tunggu dulu.

okeh, back to the true story, the FE's family will come to see me next week. Oh,i can't wait to see them. I'd really want to see them. Oh, please, come and see me now. But, they already arranged their schedule for having a meeting with me.

Wow, i love their style. Very systematic,very well prepared. Hehehe. Congratulation to all of you.

But, me myself is not ready yet to see them. I need a lot of preparation before they arrive at my place. huhuhu. Ya Allah, please help me.

FE's family have already sent me their schedule for next week. I'll summarize it below (^-*)











1st April 2011 - Mathematical Analysis
2nd April 2011- Marketing Principle
4th April 2011- Theory of Probability
6th April 2011- Advanced Mathematical Methods
8th April 2011- Philosophy of Science
9th April 2011- Organizational Behavior

You got what i meant? hahaha. sorry to say. I'll spend my precious time with them for the whole week. its the last meeting with them for my second year study.

oh, FINAL EXAMINATION (FE)....I can't wait to see you and and leave you for somehow.

that's all about my special guest. they always come and see me for every semester. I'd really appreciate it. hehehe. they encourage me to put a lot of effort for seeing them, they lead me to spend my time in a good way and they teach me the concept of Tawakkal, work hard and then turn to HIM.

to all dearest friends,

good luck and all the best for you final examination. Have a good day with FE's family. it's the last time for us for this semester.

~berusaha berjaya~

Bersama-sama kita membina
Masa depan yang lebih gemilang
Kita tanamkan tekad di hati
Berusaha menuju wawasan

Rajin bekerja terus berusaha
Bagai hidup selama-lamanya
Beramal ibadah kepada Allah
Bagai esok sudah tiada lagi

Bersama ini kita semai cita
Bersama-sama kita mengejarnya
Dan bersama-sama kitapun berdoa
Agar semua usaha kita diberkati

Hindarkan kemalasan
Jauhilah rasa rendah diri
Pohon takkan berbuah
Jika tak dibajai

Begitulah hidup kita
Perlu bekerja dan berusaha
Bulat takkan bergolek
Pipih tak datang melayang

Ya Allah, Yaa 'Alim, Yaa Hakim, Yaa Rashid,
Kau permudahkanlah kami semua untuk menjawab exam. Ilmu-Mu tidak terbatas . KAU mengetahui segala-galanya. Kau berilah kekuatan kepada kami untuk terus berusaha. Jangan kau jadikan kami orang yang malas berusaha dan mudah berputus asa. Jangan Kau jadikan kami hanya untuk bersandarkan hanya kepada lecturer kami tanpa mengingati -Mu, yang memberi ilmu untuk diajar.


1 comment:

Nadzipah said...

huhu..terpedaya saya tau..

dok perah la otak..sapa ya FE's family ni...Final exam rupanya..

anyway,bittaufiq wannajah fi imtihan ya ukhti..

semoga diberi kemudahan sepanjang peperiksaan berlangsung..dapat jawab exam dengan tenang..dan idea dapat disalurkan di atas kertas dengan lancar..insya-ALLAH...

Wish u gudluck n all the best sis^^

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