Friday, April 9, 2010

islam and science...~

in the name of Allah the most gracious most merciful...

ape yang anda faham dan tahu pasal Islam and Science...praise be to Allah that I got the chance to study Islam and Science...syukran...

The subject that make us think a bit on what is the relation between Islam and Science...does it gives benefit or hindrance or does it complete each other..It’s really an interesting subject that makes us to think and remember Allah as the creator of the earth....

science gives benefits to Islam actually, but sometimes it could be hindrance...for example, cars are very important in our life nowadays...imagine that no technology to create a car....what is going to happen to our life...."nak jalan kaki ke????"....very impossible...
but then, did people use car in the right path??.....some did it but some didn't...that's one of the hindrance...use the car to go to mosque or to do maksiah????

then, science makes people to think and stare the creation of universe, the creation of man and so stated in the Qur’an:-

(surah Al-Ghasiyah:16-20)...Malay translation:

serta hamparan2 yang terbentang.
mengapa mereka yang kafir masih mengingkari akhirat?tidakkah mereka memerhatikan keadaan unta bagaimana ia diciptakan..
dan keadaan langit bagaimana ia ditinggikan binaannya.
dan keadaan gunung ganang bagaimana ia ditegakkan.
dan keadaan bumi bagaimana ia dihamparkan..

Quran actually requested people to do a lot of research on natural phenomena…thus the creative thinking was created…it’ll provoke human to know more about science and then do experiment about it….so, people will be more interested in science…

Quran and science also not contradict to each other because it is the word of Allah…Quran stated many ayahs about science and natural phenomena….some scientific terminologies also mentioned in the Quran…

(Surah Al Mukminuun:12-14)

Kejadian manusia…
Tanah (tin)-->air mani (nutfah)-->darah(alaqah)-->segumpal daging(mudhghah)-->tulang belulang(izhoma)-->daging dan tulang-->manusia yang sempurna…

As a conclusion, there is a lot of benefits from Islam and science…study science means to study about the creation of Allah that makes us become closer to Allah and also will enhance our iman….
Allah has created everything to his servants….so, as a khalifatullah in this earth we should protect and use our earth in a good manner…

Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi dan pergantian siang dan malam terdapat tanda2 kebesaran Allah bagi orang yng berakal…iaitu org2 yg mengingati Allah dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi dgn berkata “Ya Allah tidak lah engkau menciptakan semua ini sia2..mahasuci Allah lindungi kami dari azab api neraka"..
(Surah Ali-Imran: 190-191)





Raihan Asimoni said...

mcm ade bau2 dr ibrahim shogar je ni..hahahha

hasnisyakila said...

itulah kate2 dr ibrahim shogar...hehee...masih diingatan..ceewah..~

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